söndag 15 februari 2009

For my cousin!

Hey everybody!

Ok, so this little note is dedicated to my homie in Canada;). Here is a summerize for you of what I just wrote :) ... Swedish ppl, read it in swedish because it sound rediciulos with the translet he he...

According to google translate 15th feb: (alot of grammar mistakes, cos google translate aint the best he he)

" Now it was a year older when you woke up today. Does it feel any difference? .. no, not directly, more than that I am now officially closer to 25 than 20 he he he (I know many of you are already 25). Unlike at home, I am actually "older" here. It is teeming with 88or -90 people, so I am among the oldest (a little weird). But never know what little ones the e encountering one, or send love e-mails he he;)

So February 15, wakes up with the mother o Dad calling o congratulate a ten o'clock in morning, when you do not come home the foremost 3 days there before (in time turbots). Hmmm tough as I was today, I in bed until 12 o decided to go down town o eat lunch with my sweet girls. The gold really my birthday to find a frog to me that I can kiss. Do tell me more then once I find the prince;).
The day before the real birthday, it was dinner at Wagamama (Japanese food yum), cocktails in the revolution (crazy good), and afterparty with cake in a small cozy pub (wonderful staff);).
(You who are interested in the images can always check in fejjan to watch a little small, o well.) Must say that I am a little taste!. Flavors in the dress I had on me.

Just a few hours ago knocked my sweet room mates on the door and surprised me with cake o cake:) .. I am so touched that people e himlans so considerate. Makes me so incredibly happy to be around genuine männsiskor, especially genuine girls :)...

Just want to finish with that, it soon has been a month since I arrived here, and the result so far is pretty good! :) "


1 kommentar:

Uppsala all over again!

Uppsala all over again!